• Municipal services

City Hall of Incisa Scapaccino

Address Piazza Ferraro, 13, 14045 Incisa Scapaccino AT, Italia
Tel 0141 74040
Fax 0141 74661
Email ufficiosegreteria@comune.incisascapaccino.at.it
The municipal headquarters was moved to Palazzo Serbelloni Busca, in the Borgo Ghiare area, after having been in the Borgo Villa area for a long time....
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Forest Information Point | Municipality of Incisa Scapaccino

Address Piazza Ferraro, 13, 14045 Incisa Scapaccino AT, Italia
Punto Informativo Forestale (P.I.F.) - Forest Information Point. Insights Regione Piemonte https://www.regione.piemonte.it/web/ Punti Informativi Fore...
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